Sweet Technology: Martha Stewart Cookie App

When my mom asked me for gift suggestions for my toddler's upcoming birthday, I said, "I'm pretty sure she wants an iPad." My mom's reply? "Well, you better ask her what's second on her wish list."

I knew the chance of Mom falling for that poorly-constructed ploy was pretty thin, but I figured it was worth a try if it meant getting my hands on an iPad. Just when I'd gotten over that rejection, Martha Stewart launched an iPad cookies app. The crew at The Kitchn recently featured these screen shots of the app in action.
Martha's app organizes cookies in categories that make it easy to find the right one. You can view recipes for cookies that ship well, cookies for an adult palate, or chewy varieties.
You can also create a shopping list for the necessary ingredients, watch Martha's video tutorials, and use the app's cook timer.
Martha Stewart Living blogger, Jennifer Aaronson even let her son get in on the action. It's so simple that even a kid can have fun narrowing down the selection and following the instructions.
While I probably won't be pitching my printed versions of Martha's cookie recipes any time soon, this app makes me covet an iPad even more than I did before. I wonder if Granny will fall for the "Baby Wants an iPad" ploy. It's worth a try.

So tell me, would you use the cookies app or do you prefer good ole fashioned recipe books?