10 Days of Craftsmas!: Day 7 - Birds of a Feather Favors

For the seventh day of the 10 Day of Craftsmas, Maddy of Somewhere Splendid and I created these  Birds of a Feather Favors. They're incredibly easy to make, even the kids can help. If you've got a few minutes and a small stash of hard candy, you can make them for yourself.


8 oz glass jars (like these from SKS Bottle)
several types of ribbon & fabric
mushroom birds with attachment clips (ours are from Jo-Ann)
needle and thread or glue gun and glue
rock candy or other treat


Tear lengths of your fabrics in varying widths and set aside. Cut lengths of your ribbons that are about 1" longer than the circumference of your glass jars then set aside with your fabric tears. Begin to pull together different combinations of fabric and ribbon and layer them so that each layer gets progressively thinner, revealing the layers behind it. Keep the top layer as ribbon in each pairing.

Loosely wrap the layered pieces around a jar and position it in the center of the jar when the jar lays sideways. Attach a mushroom bird to the top ribbon layer only, then pull the layers tight around the bottom so the ribbon layer doesn’t bunch up too much from the clip. This will also help keep the bird upright. When the ribbon is flat and tight to the bottle, sew or hot glue the ends together. Cut away any excess fabric or ribbon length.

Fill the jar with candy and set next to a place setting or on a favor table with the seam side down.

Be sure to check out today's first post to see a Cozy Cupcake Topper. It's a great gift idea for the girls and women in your life.

If you're  joining the Craftsmas fun midstream, be sure to check out all of the projects in this holiday DIY series here.

images: Maddy Hague 

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