DIY: Evergreen Tree Favors

Many of you loved the evergreen favor containers I designed for this pink, fuschia, and navy winter dessert table. I've gotten several requests for a DIY tutorial, so here it is. If you decide to make some, I'd love to see them. Send pics to me at info {at}


heavy cardstock or glossy brochure paper
circle cutter or large circle punches
hot glue sticks &gun
adornment of your choice for tree topper
bone folder or straight edge


Using your circle cutter, large circle punches, or x-acto knife, cut a 2", 3", 4", 5" and 6" circle for each tree. Protect the surface you're working on with a pad or large piece of cardboard. If you want to vary the heights of the trees, simply eliminate the 6" circle from some of them.

Fold each circle in half four times. Sharpen each crease using a bone folder or other straight edge. Cut about an inch off of the tip of the 4", 5", and 6" layers. Once the layers are stacked, this opening will allow your candies to pour out of the tree.

Measure the diameter of the 6" circle's base. Cut a cardboard circle and two paper circles that are slightly smaller. Using hot glue or double-sided tape, secure a paper circle to each side of the cardboard. The paper-covered cardboard circle should fit just inside the edge of the 6" tree base.

Apply a thin ribbon of hot glue to the outer edge of the cardboard circle and place it inside the 6" layer to create the bottom of the favor container. Gently open the hole at the top of the 6" layer and insert the candy of your choice.

Place the 5" and 4" layer on top of the 6." Arrange and glue in place with small dabs of hot glue. DO NOT glue the 2" and 3" layers to the tree. Instead, only glue them to each other. Glue a small berry or jingle bell to the top of the 2" layer. Once the glue has dried, set the top layer onto the tree. Guests will lift the top like a lid to reveal the candies inside. Enjoy!

For more wintry ideas, check out the other custom favors I designed for this unconventional winter dessert table.

image 1 & 3: Emily Steffen, image 2: Shauna Younge

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