Holiday Recipe Heaven: Day 1 - What Katie Ate

With only five days until Christmas, you might not have time to gather all the necessary supplies for some of the 10 Days of Craftsmas projects, so this week I'm introducing Holiday Recipe Heaven! Each day this week, I'll feature another delicious, holiday dessert recipe that you can bring to the table as you gather with friends and family. 
The first post in this week's Holiday Recipe Heaven involves several sweet recipes. The latest issue of What Katie Ate premiered last Friday, and it's a Christmas-themed, delicious page-turner. All of the articles aren't dessert-related, but there are enough cookie recipes and chocolate truffles to make any sugar addict happy.
Although the 490+ page magazine can be a little bit daunting to tackle in one sitting, it's worth it for the pictures alone. Check it out (click on the second picture here to see the mag) and let me know which cookie you like best. I think the macadamia cranberry cookie sounds yummy.

Tomorrow, I'll be back with another delicious holiday recipe that you can whip up this week.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, this book is my dream come true! thanks for sharing!
