My Alt Summit 2013 Business Cards

As most of you know, I've been living it up for the past week in Salt Lake City for the 2013 Alt Summit conference. I got to meet a lot of my favorite bloggers, learn a lot about the art of blogging, mingle with company big wigs, and even teach a photo styling class with my Confetti Pop co-founder Maddy.

One of the big components of Alt Summit is the business card exchange. With so many creative, artsy people in one place, it's a given that we're all going to try to come up with really fun, creative, memorable cards. This was my first year, and let me tell it, it was awesome. I came up with these kraft envelopes that I filled with little chocolate squares. All of my Shauna Younge related details were on labels that were reminiscent of sprinkle-topped cookies.
Shauna Younge Alt Summit 2013 chocolate business cards
I was also at Alt with Maddy to represent Confetti Pop, so we had a different card we handed out for that. This one had fringed tissue paper and gold mylar on the back to look like a little pinata. Hopefully, it feels as festive in these pics as it was in person.
Confetti Pop fringed piƱata Alt Summit 2013 business cards
So, catch me up. What did I miss while I was gone? I've got some massive pinning and Instagramming to catch up on. Follow along as I make up for lost time.


  1. Wow, pinata business cards?! How creative!

  2. and of course you had chocolate in your biz cards so I remember them!

  3. It was great to finally meet you even though we had to go to Salt Lake to do so. :) Your photo class was great and I really appreciated the tips from a styling team like you and Maddy. Maybe we can meet up sometime here in the cities. Have a great year! Take care.

  4. Amy, you're right! It's 100% ridiculous that we had to travel that far to meet up. We should definitely meet up. We MSP girls gotta stick together!

  5. Incorporating your business cards with the kind of venture you have is a great idea. It's a simple yet efficient way for people to get to know you and the products and services you offer. Seeing those cards makes me want to try your delectable dessert! :D
