Reader Design: Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Friday, I shared this whoopie pie dessert table with you. Sweet Tooth reader Rowaida saw the post and  sent me a few pictures from her Halloween dessert table, which also features pumpkin whoopie pies.

Rowaida added candy, cake ball pops, and cupcakes to her whoopie pie display. She selected ceramic and glass vessels to vary the heights of each treat.
Be sure to visit Rowaida's Flickr gallery to see step-by-step tutorials as she bakes all of these treats creates the dessert table.

Thank you for sharing your design, Rowaida. I hope that you'll upload them to the Shauna Younge Dessert Tables Facebook fan page for us all to see.


  1. Hi Shauna,
    Thank you for posting my Pumpkin whoopie pie dessert table.

    P.S I am following you on twitter, I wish you could follow me.

