Guest Desserts: First Fiesta!

Today's Guest Desserts feature was submitted by Marisol of Ritzy Market Flores y Eventos (Flowers and Events) in México City. This dessert table is her second design, and she created it for her friend's daughter. Since the budget was tight (only $150), Marisol had to add creative touches to inexpensive favors, like the flower-adorned popcorn boxes, paper favor cones, and marshmallow pops. Check out the way she dressed up the juice boxes. 

from Marisol: Here in México we love the Japanese peanuts with something we called "chamoy" that is a sour and sweet red mix and we add also salt with "chile piquin" that adds a hot flavor to them, we also put these 2 mixes on "totis" salad rings that are like the cheetos or puffs but just with salt. 

On the back of the table I bought and paint, a wood structure like a stick, to hold the donuts that I bought at a "panadería", here in México we eat a lot of "pan dulce" (sweet bread) and the bread that these "panaderías" sell is always fresh and delicious.

Thank you so much for submitting your design, Marisol! You really maximized the budget, and your creativity shows in each of your crafty projects. 

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