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10 Days of Craftsmas!: Day 3 - Felt Ribbon Wreath

If you've seen this picture frame collage or this vase of pheasant feathers I created for some of my dessert tables, then you know that I like to incorporate decor elements into my designs. For the third day of the 10 Days of Craftsmas, I designed this Felt Ribbon Wreath with Maddy Hague of Somewhere Splendid. While the sweets should take center stage, decor items like today's wreath add a finishing touch that pulls the whole look together. Want to see the step-by-step tutorial? Read on!

For a seasonal display, think about hanging several of these wreaths behind your dessert table.


2" width ribbon
styrofoam wreath base
pearl head pins
floral berries with wire bases
this holly leaf template
glue gun and glue


Beginning from the back of the wreath base, wrap your ribbon around the styrofoam ring, ensuring the ribbon is tight and lays as flat as possible. Secure the open end of the ribbon temporarily with a pearl head pin as you continue wrapping around the wreath base. When the wreath is completely wrapped. cut the ribbon directly over where the original pearl head pin was. Remove the pin and secure both open ends with two pins. Flip the wrapped wreath base so the pins are concealed on the back.

Cut floral berries off their branch with about ½" of wire underneath it remaining. Set aside.

Use the provided template, to cut out your felt holly leaves. Fold the leaves (exclude the stem) in half and iron each one. This crease will help give each leaf dimension once they're attached to the wreath form. Arrange leaves in groups of two or three as shown. Secure leaves in place with a little dot of hot glue near the stem area. Take a few berries and press the wire part through the surface of the ribbon into the wreath base near the center of the cluster so that all the wire is hidden. The berries will help secure the holly leaves in place in addition to hiding the area where the holly meets.

Work your way around the wreath. For a more organic look, alternate the number of berries and holly leaves. If you use multiple berry colors, as we did, also alternate the color pairings until you've covered about as much as the wreath as you'd like. We covered a little less than half of the wreath, with the majority of the leaves and berries in the lower left portion of the wreath. Hang and enjoy!

If you're  joining the Craftsmas fun midstream, be sure to check out all of the projects in this holiday DIY series here.

images: Maddy Hague
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