We also managed to squeeze in a bike ride on a trail near the house, which was a MAJOR advancement for the older kid. We've trying to get her confidently biking for three summers. It seems like every time we take a break over the winter, it's like starting from scratch again in spring. That saying about bikes and never forgetting is clearly false. I feel lied to. We did a little geocaching on the trail, which was awesome. I pretend we're on a family version of Amazing Race while we blindly follow the compass from one spot to the next. The kids hit the motherlode of goodies in a geocache hidden in the rotted out hollow of a tree in the woods. All in all, fun was had.
One of the yummiest moments was when we threw some chocolate, cookie, marshmallow, butterscotch-filled ice cream cones on the grill for dessert. Yeah, it's exactly as sticky and delish as it sounds. Swing by my 15 Summer Desserts for the Grill post on Momtastic for the how-to on those cones and so many more summer-y sweets.