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Dessert Meets Design: Fox News Interview

I never thought my name would be in the same context as Fox News, but here we are. I was recently interviewed for my two cents about macarons and their future as the next dessert fad.
Here are my thoughts about the little French cookies, but be sure to click on over to Fox News (seriously can't I'm saying that) to read what other foodies and food writers have to say.

Over in the foodies-who-know savvy city of Minneapolis, sweets blogger and dessert table designer Shauna Younge analyzes the growing popularity of the macaron in her hometown,...
 “French macarons, not be confused with macaroons, have all the appeal of cupcakes along with an air of sophistication and novelty to catapult them into ‘Next Big Thing’ territory,” Younge says. “With fillings like salted caramel, cranberry cheesecake, and white chocolate ganache, they're nearly impossible to resist.” 
“As a dessert table designer, my clients love how easily [the] cookie shells can be customized to match the palette of their weddings, parties, and events. With more bakeries across the country specializing in macarons and mega-retailer Target adding them to their bakery shelves, it's only a matter of time before they become truly mainstream,” said Younge. 

image by Nicole Rupersburg via Fox News
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